We use several different liturgical settings (which means we follow a specific order) from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) book as the basis for our services. If you have never attended a Lutheran worship service, you will find it to be an interactive service with responsive readings and hymns between the pastor or leader and the congregation. Although not a requirement, we believe you will find the service more meaningful if you engage in this active participation during worship. Generally, the order of service includes an opening hymn, confession and forgiveness, scripture readings, the children’s sermon, the sermon, the hymn of the day, the creed, the prayers, the offering anthem, the great thanksgiving, the Lord’s prayer, Holy Communion, the blessing, the final hymn and the dismissal. It sounds like a lot but our service usually lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes with Holy Communion. We offer a printed bulletin with the order of service with the ELW page numbers listed and video projectors that display the words for the service onto screens at the front of the sanctuary.
How do people dress?
Like most churches, our members try to make their worship at church a special time, which is often reflected in the way they dress. However, there is no dress code here at Trinity and we are happy to have you any way you are comfortable. You will see a range of styles here: those dressed more casually rejoicing in our God who accepts us all just as we are and others dressed to reflect reverence for our awesome King and everything in between. All are acceptable and welcome!
May I take Holy Communion?
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated weekly. For those who are baptized and believe that Jesus died for your sins and you trust Him as the Lord of your life, you are invited to receive Holy Communion. Come and receive. God offers us forgiveness of sins, meaningful life and the promise of eternal life with God and others in Heaven.
What’s the music like?
The music is a mixture of traditional and modern hymns primarily found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book with the addition of some old gospel favorites and newer popular Christian songs added in when appropriate. We typically use the organ and piano, but are blessed with a number of musicians who are able to enhance our worship services by playing the guitar, fiddle, mandolin, harmonica, and numerous percussion and band instruments. We also have several opportunities for those who love music to get involved: adult choir, special occasion cantatas, “The Group,” “The Quartet,” “Confirmed,” and different music lessons from time to time.
What about my kids?
We LOVE kids! There is nothing better than to see the front of the church full during the children’s sermon on Sunday mornings. Each Sunday (of course there are some exceptions) the pastor takes a few minutes to sit down with the children (or parade them in front of the church ~ haha!) to go over a special lesson just for them. For those children who are a little uncertain, a parent/grandparent/sibling is welcome to accompany them to the front. Afterward, they offer a prayer and receive a children’s activity bulletin they can work on during the rest of the service. We offer an infant nursery and an older children’s nursery, both with video feed, for those times when you feel it is better to take your child out of the sanctuary. Both nurseries are staffed, and we are honored to care for your children if you wish to return to the service. However, you are more than welcome to remain with your child in either nursery.
Where do I park? How do I enter the building?
We offer several Handicap parking spots on each side of the large oak tree in the middle of our parking area for those who need them.
You will find the entrance to our sanctuary (the double wooden doors) located under the steeple. For those who have difficulty with stairs, there is a ramp on the left. If you are joining us for Sunday School, you may enter the educational building through the glass door near the playground, or through the sanctuary if you need to use the ramp instead of the stairs.